Green Heart of Africa

In Nigeria's green heart,
Where nature's art starts,
Lush forests rise tall,
A leafy, grand hall.

Rivers flow, swift and clear,
Wildlife roams without fear,
Fish leap, birds soar high,
Under a vast blue sky.

Waterfalls thunder down,
Nature's sparkling crown,
Mist rises, cool and light,
A breathtaking sight.

Hills roll, gentle and green,
Most peaceful scene,
Flowers bloom bright,
A colorful delight.

Monkeys play in trees,
Dancing in the breeze,
Elephants walk by,
Mighty, yet shy.

Sun warms the land,
Touching rock and sand,
At night, stars gleam,
Like a heavenly dream.

Here, earth still sings,
Of simple things,
In Nigeria's wild space,
Nature's pure grace.

This land, so rare,
Beyond compare,
A treasure to see,
In Africa, free.

Thanks for your likes and votes all meas a lot to me . Once again thanks and God bless you all

Love you all

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