Vacations and Reality Part Two

Nick crept closer to the pond. "Young people... don't they know how good they got it? Warm houses to sleep in, and they're out there partying in the cold."

Deciding that it was none of his concern, he trudged back to his little nest in the bushes. At dawn, he awoke to shouts.

"David! Daaviiid! Dave? Are you out here?"

Nick reluctantly unzipped the warm sleeping bag. He was instantly greeted by an icy sleet, too hard for snow, and too fine for hail. "I wonder what happened this time? Crazy kids."

Leaving his belongings in their hiding place, he emerged from the relative shelter of the bushes into the windy, gray dawn.

Three young adults cautiously approached.

One of the men stepped forward, forcing a smile. "Hey, have you by any chance seen a guy in a blue shirt and jeans? He's Melanie's older brother." As he finished, he nodded towards a tall blonde girl in her twenties.

Nick shook his head. "Sorry, I ain't seen anyone. I just woke up a couple minutes ago."

The girl slumped, suddenly seeming much younger and smaller.

Nick rubbed the stubble on his chin. "Oh, I'm sure he's fine. Have you checked the playground? Sometimes people who are out here early like to sit on the slide for a better view of the sunrise."

Instantly she brightened. "Thank you! We haven't looked there yet."

After they left, Nick crawled back into the bushes, only to emerge seconds later with a small towel and a clear personal hygiene bag containing a toothbrush, disposable razor, soap, and other basic items.

"I hate cold water," he grumbled, kicking his feet through the thin layer of slush covering the well manicured grass.

When he neared the pond, Nick saw a patch of blue in the gazebo by the pond. "David? Your friends are looking for you, they're worried. I sent them over to the playground a minute ago."

The figure didn't move.

Nick stopped. Then, suddenly he proceeded at a choppy jog.

"Oh no! I'm too late," he gasped, as he dropped his bag beside the still, soaking wet figure.

Nick pressed his head to the man's chest. "Thank you God, he's still breathing!"

"Hey! I found your friend, he needs help!" Nick shouted, but nobody came.

He ran back to his hiding place, and returned with his sleeping bag. Getting the unconscious man undressed, dried, and in the bag was a monumental struggle.

Once he was satisfied that he had done his best, Nick left the young man, and set off towards the playground at a run. "Hey your friend needs help!" he called out as often as he was physically able.

Panting, he finally found them. "He's in the gazebo by the duck pond. It looks like he fell in last night, got out, then passed out in the gazebo. I wrapped him in my sleeping bag, but he's hypothermic. You need to get him to a hospital."

Fifteen minutes later, an ambulance sped through the now deepening slush, splattering it in all directions. It slid to a stop expertly, and several paramedics jumped out.

Two days later, Officer Duncan pulled into the hospital parking lot. Nick sat beside him, wearing his camouflage jacket, and holding a cup of coffee.

"I'm just glad he's alright. Anyone would've done the same," Nick repeated, as he opened the door.

After what seemed like a long walk, the nurse showed him into a small recovery room.

The young man in the bed looked up, and gasped. "It's you..."

Nick grinned. "I didn't think you'd remember me. You were out cold, not to mention freezing."

"You saved me?"

"Well, I found you and got you a little warmer."

"I remember you from in front of the travel agency. I'm so sorry..."

Nick frowned. "What do you have to be sorry for?"

The young man blushed. "I laughed at you. Mocked you needing a vacation... I didn't even try to see how I could help. The doctors said I was in a heavy sleeping bag that probably saved my life. Did you get it back?"

Nick nodded. "Good as new. Keeps me warm as toast at night."

The young man forced a smile. "My dad owns the Golden Dawn Hotel. He wanted me to ask you if you would you like a bed to put your sleeping bag on - and a job too?"

Nick's eyes widened. "That sounds like the best vacation ever!"

The end

Describe what you see:
I see a wet, slushy road.

Describe what you feel:
I feel like it's going to be a good day to either be dressed for the weather or stay indoors.

Participation link
Image source by @wakeupkitty

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