Is Different Really Better?


"If only the bus would stop, even for just a few minutes..." Jeremy thought sadly, as he rested his head on the hard, narrow window frame.

"Don't worry, Dear. It rains all the time in Oregon." assured a grandmotherly lady in the seat next to him.

"How did she know what I was thinking? I didn't say a word, or even look at her..." he wondered to himself.

"You'll love it there, it's got huge trees with green leaves, instead of those prickly cacti you see out there. And green fields instead of sand, brush, and tumbleweeds." she continued.

"That's what Mom said too. I know I'll love it, I just want to get off for a little air." he explained.

"Perhaps there will be a lunch break soon. Bus drivers have to eat eventually too." she soothed.

"Yes, ma'am." Jeremy replied politely, before slumping back against the window, to watch the refreshing drops of rain hit the glass.

The next morning:

"It's time to get up, Dear. We are there!" said the old lady happily, as she gently touched Jeremy's shoulder.

"Thanks, Mrs. Lewis. I hope you have a nice visit with your grandchildren." he said, smiling.

"And you have a wonderful visit with your Uncle Ray, Jeremy. It was a real pleasure traveling with you." she replied, as she picked up her small overnight bag, and disappeared amongst the other passengers, all pushing and shoving in their eagerness to finally be free of the confines of the bus.

Jeremy sat and watched the crowd. When the initial rush was over, he collected his few things, and got off. "This cool mist and grey sky feels like another world." he thought, reveling in the open space after his long trip.

"Uncle Ray!" he exclaimed happily, dropping his bags to greet a tall middle aged man.

"Jeremy! Have you had breakfast yet?" asked Uncle Ray, as he returned the embrace.

"Not yet. I have some breakfast bars in my bag though." Jeremy replied.

"And I've got a few things in the car. Would you like to go on a short hike, and have breakfast with a view?" suggested Uncle Ray.

"Sure! I've been sitting for too long." said Jeremy, smiling at the idea of getting his legs moving.

An hour later:

"Wow! Everything is so green. And fresh." said Jeremy, fantasizing about making the visit last longer than expected. One week, nowhere near enough time to see everything! And in a couple of months, there would be snow!

"I wish I could stay until after Christmas..." he thought to himself, remembering the magical winter scenes on so many Christmas cards.

"Did you enjoy the hike?" asked Uncle Ray.

"Oh yes! In Arizona, I hike on the weekend, but it's always so hot. And the country here is so interesting." he replied, enthusiastically.

Six days later:

"Jeremy, we only have one more day. You've seen the ocean, a working ranch, and Funworld Adventures Theme park. How would you like to spend today?" asked Uncle Ray, as the two sat in a pancake house.

"I want to go camping. I've never had a camping trip, Mom says it's too dangerous. She's afraid that a scorpion or poisonous spider might get in the tent. But I don't think we have those here?" he asked, hopefully.

Uncle Ray smiled, obviously pleased. "You're right, we don't have those problems here! I know a great little State Park, a couple of hours away. It's a small hike to get to the tent sites, but I will carry the heavy gear, and we can make a few trips. Or we could travel light, with just a tent, sleeping bags, and snacks, if you don't want the cooler and other luxuries?" he asked.

"Let's travel light, this might be my only chance to camp. I want to spend as much time as I can exploring, and having fun." he said, excited.

Three hours later:

"This spot is the best! Can we swim in the lake?" he asked, as he gazed at the cloudless blue sky.

"Sure! And there are fish too. I have some line and lures in my pack." Uncle Ray replied, smiling broadly.

"It's going to get dark soon." said Jeremy, gazing at the spectacular sunset. The sight was made all the more colorful by the incoming clouds. After a full day of fun, it was time to eat supper.

"How about fresh trout, potato chips, and roasted marshmallows?" suggested Uncle Ray.

"It's like you read my mind!" replied Jeremy, grinning.

At one A.M.:

"Ugh! What's that?" asked Jeremy, as he put his hand on his head. His hair was soaked, as was his left shoulder.

Tap tap tap tap tap went the rain, as it came down with ever increasing force.

"This rain is ice cold!" thought Jeremy, beginning to shiver as more drops made their way through the thin nylon.

"Uncle Ray! We're going to get soaked if we stay here." he shouted, not wanting to unzip the shelter, despite the leaks.

"I know, Jeremy! I'm almost packed up, we will get your tent and sleeping bag last. Just stay there until I finish." suggested Uncle Ray.

Almost two hours later:

"That was the longest hike of my life! The thick, sticky mud and icy rain made it the worst too." thought Jeremy to himself, despite having been on much longer treks without feeling half as tired.

After a long, hot shower, it was time to pack up. A quick but heartfelt goodbye, and Jeremy found himself back on a bus, headed home.

Somewhere in the desert:

Jeremy sighed as he looked out at the scorching hot sand, wishing that he could get off of the bus, to soak it all in for a few minutes.

"Don't worry, there are plenty of nice days around here. You're going to love Arizona!" said the man next to him. He was perhaps thirty, and looked like he had spent a lot of time in the sun.

"It's my home, Sir. And I do love it!" he said, suddenly grinning, because he hadn't realized what a great place it actually was before that moment.

Describe what you see:

I see a young man looking out of a window, probably on a bus or train. Outside there is desert, but it's raining.

Describe what you feel:

The way that he is holding his head makes me feel like he's longing for something. Maybe he's also bored.


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