Cool Beans - Trick Mule? (Word Prompt: Tornado)


"Those kids just loved you!" exclaimed old Jim, rubbing the nose of his young mule. He already had some ideas for making Monday's market day an even bigger success.

"Of course you can't learn everything over one weekend, but you can figure out the basics. And you will have a willing audience!"


"Yaap yap yaaap yaaap!"

"You two want in on the action too? Well, the more the merrier!"

"Bow. Good boy, Beans!" said Old Jim, using treats to guide him through each step. He took to the training well, but what really amazed Jim was the intuitive and rapid way in which both dogs inserted themselves into the simple act Jim was putting together. It was going to be much more exciting thanks to them.

Farm dogs, especially a border collie / shepherd mix like Bobby, were almost always highly intelligent and eager to please. Many even had very specialized jobs, sometimes replacing several hired hands. A few of their more common tasks were guarding, handling cattle or sheep, and keeping pests away.

A good dog could quite literally be irreplaceable. They could be taught complicated tasks, and never forgot. But it was almost as if these two had done this before!

It had been Rex's idea to ride on Beans' back. Small and agile, the little terrier was a natural acrobat. And Bobby had become very good at leading him around. He could even wrap the reins around a post or tree, and then unwrap them.

"Well, I think this should be plenty for an introduction! I'd best get busy harvesting a big load, we're gonna need it!"

On Sunday night, Jim was genuinely excited about market day. He knew that he was going to have a great day, maybe the best sales ever. He was also looking forward to seeing the reaction of the people to his animal act. It wouldn't just be the children flocking to see Beans this time.

"Mom! Can have a mule like that for my birthday? PLEASE!!!"

"Mister, I've never seen anything like that!"

Amidst clapping and laughter, the trio performed their finale as if they were practicing back in the field. Rex jumped on Beans' back, and on his hind legs began to spin like a mini tornado. As he did his balancing act, Bobby unwrapped the reins and led Beans around the cart in a big circle. Rex leaped down, then Beans took a bow.

The cart, which had been loaded to bursting, was empty of produce in under an hour.

"Well done, well done! How do you like getting home early enough to have some fun! We got a very good price for today's load too!" he said as he let Beans out to graze.

This is a 100% power up post

Cover image is from Photo by Hrishikesh Deshkar from Pexels and edited in Canva, using their gallery for additional images.

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