Cool Beans And The Cart - Day 1405: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: hand knit

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"Hi Jim, I'm here to fix your roof! And I have a surprise for you." said Roger Perth.

"Come on in and have some breakfast first."

"I've already eaten, but how can I say no to that delicious smell?" Roger asked, smiling.

"You said something about a surprise?" Jim asked, curious.

"Yes, my wife made it for you. A hand knit scarf and a winter hat to match. She wanted to thank you for the eggs, and tell you that they look like they should hatch soon."

"Ah, I need a good warm scarf. This is going to be a cold winter! And she is most welcome to the eggs, it's not a farm without chickens."

"Thank you for the meal, Jim. I will get that leak fixed now."

I'll see you later, I'm going to introduce Beans to the cart!"

"If you need help, just give a shout!"

"I think we will be fine, but I'll keep it in mind!"

Jim spent several hours patiently teaching his new mule about the cart and his new task of pulling it. Beans seemed to like it. But then he liked anything that involved praise and carrots!

By late afternoon he was pulling it calmly, stopping and starting as directed. Bobby sat by Jim in the cart. This was a big upgrade from Jim and Bobby having to pull it all the way to town and back!

"Hey Roger, when you finish Beans and I will take you home. He could use the practice."

"The kids would love to see him again! I told them he has a great home, but it would be nice if they saw for themselves that he's happy."

"And I would like to have the opportunity to thank your wife for the hat and scarf."

"Hello Mrs. Perth, it's a pleasure to meet the lady who made such a fine hat and scarf." he said, making a little bow that caused her to giggle.

"Come in and have some coffee." said Mr. and Mrs. Perth at the same time, then laughed.

"Now that's an offer I can't refuse!" said Jim, looking at Bobby and Cool Beans. Bobby was napping in the cart, and Beans was being petted and fussed over by the two very young Perth children.

Jim was in no hurry to leave. Honestly it felt right, befriending this young family. After a while, Roger and his wife Alice got up and began to prepare for supper. Jim had already accepted their invitation to stay for bean burritos.


Running out to see what all the racket was about, the three adults could only stand there as Beans, the cart, a startled Bobby, and two happy children disappeared over the rolling grassland.

"Whoooaaaa!!!!" shouted Jim, but it had no effect whatsoever. Jim, Roger, and Alice ran after them, but it was a lost cause. Gasping at the top of a hill, they witnessed a miracle.

Dean and his little sister Mary each had a rein and were urging Beans to run ever faster. They thought it was great fun, but the old cart wasn't built for racing. Jim knew it was only a matter of time before something went wrong. And then it happened.

Bobby climbed up, and took the rein from Mary just as he had with Roger that first day at the market. She had been taught to share, so gave him a turn. He then turned to Dean. The young boy really didn't want to share, but Mary reminded him of his manners.

"Alright Bobby, you can drive for a while. And then it's my turn!"

Bobby gently pulled back on the reins by backing up, and Cool Beans stopped as he had been taught only hours earlier.

WHISTLE! "Beans! Suppertime!" Exclaimed Roger. Beans pricked his ears, and trotted happily towards the very relieved adults.

This is a 100% power up post

Cover image made on Canva using their gallery

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