Behind That Baggy Dress

What I see

A gentle lady doing laundry. Looks like he has a lot going on in her mind.

What I feel

Gently strategizing her next move she squeezes hard on the linens. "Do I go with plan A or plan B?" She processes.

Moving on….

Ms Merkel had worked for the elite family for thirteen years six months three weeks two days eighteen minutes and ten seconds but who's counting? It was an ancestral obligation and she was born into this life.

She hated her life as a growing kid because all she did was arrange linens, lay beds, assist in meal preparation (which was an array of different dishes each time) and do other jobs that kids her age didn't do. Kids her age were going to school, meeting up with friends, playing and having fun but no! All those were prohibited for her.

She tried to revolt on many occasions but she was put in her place. Each time she tried revolting, her responsibilities were increased and made more tough. She physically gave up on trying to revolt but logically—she didn't.

Years went by and her parents passed on living her all by herself in this cruel world. That was when she started feeling what her parents went through in silence. The elite family members were not exactly nice people. They called every other person not in 'their class' low life ultimately making Ms Merkel a low life too.

They never appreciated anything she did for them. They always complained about one thing or another. All she was thinking about was how to wipe them all out leaving no traces or evidence. Since she was in total control of their kitchen and every other thing in their house she could just poison them during their family dinner but that would be very traceable hence her plan.


She arranged for the most lethal of poisons. It sure cost her a fortune but she didn't mind. As long as it would end all her mysteries. The poison worked for a day. Gentle annihilating all the organs inside the body till nothing remained. The symptoms started as migraine and profuse sweating.

She put it in their wine and served them their breakfast that morning.By this time the next day, they would join her late parents.

"Breakfast is served your Highnesses" Ms Merkel said as she served them. She carefully watched as they gulped down the wine she served.

" You know what Merkel, how about you have a taste of this wine today. Today is a good day and I would like to share my joy with you." Her master requested.

"That's very kind of you sir but I don't take alcohol" she responded. Sweat dripping down her face

"You dare disobey my order you scrawny rat?!" Her master thundered

Fear gripped Ms Merkel as she made to drink the wine. She took a sip of the wine, maintained composure and stood aside. She had just taken a sip of the poison! Shoot! She needed to find an antidote immediately. Since when did her master start sharing his joy? Did he somehow spot her injecting the wine with poison?

Good thing she didn't take so much poison. Hopefully she had a longer lifespan or maybe not

True to her calculations the family members started having serious migraines. The family doctor was summoned and there was no trace as expected. She had headaches too but not as severe as theirs.

So far she managed to survive a day without dropping dead. Her face became so pale and she began hearing the sound of her blood rushing through her veins. She had accomplished her mission but got tangled up. Mission accomplished.

With love, wongi ✨

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