5-Minute Freewrite Monday Prompt - The New Normal

Almost everyone I know is talking about how we're all adjusting to the new normal because of covid19 but for me on a personal scale, it's quite different. This normal isn't exactly new to me but has been my way of life a long time coming. As an unemployed person, I spend most of my days locked in the house scrolling the internet for jobs or just scrolling twitter for some pointless back and forth discussion. At some point I pause and reflect on my life, how I'm fucking tired of being clueless about my future and wondering when and how the change will come.

I'm on either extreme ends of happy or sad, wondering what route will lead to the big break. I don't particularly want the big break right now, just enough level ground to kick-start. How is it people my age seem to have it all together while I'm busy battling quarter life crisis? There's no new pattern to my living, same old same old. Conflicting thoughts for breakfast, anxiety for dinner.

When is my new normal?
photo of me trying not to be too unhappy

This is my entry for today's freewrite prompt by @mariannewest.

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