The gossip


I live amidst a block of flats and it was strategically chosen being a writer and all. I never run out of inspiration to write and many happenings remind me of a past happening and lessons learnt.

A neighbourhood filled with so many people of different caliber, background and character, especially character.
I sit beside the window with my trusty typewriter that has been mocked by my friends as being old school. They fail to see that the dings at the end of each line give me a rush of excitement of making progress and the only change I usually make is the change of the typewriter ribbon which has to be replaced every biyearly.


My window looks against the block of flats and being on the third floor gives me the right angle to view every individual and the happenings within. Mrs Johnson is at it again with her new spouse of just two months. They are having a big fight which makes me feel sorry for her as it jolts my memory of my parent's fight which sent us parking.

My mum threatene... ‘dammit I'm out of ink! Where is that typewriter ribbon?’

®️Whitney Alexander

A 5minutes free write written with (the most dangerous app)prompt by @mariannewest. Here is the link

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