Day 859: 5 Minute Freewrite: Helpful Weaver

Photo by me @whatisnew

Helpful Weaver

The spider is the insider, the web resider,
The web she weaved is her meal provider.
Insects get stuck in her prey collider,
Her long legs make for a fast strider,
To feed quickly or wrap for later; the decider.
The helpful weaver is a mosquito downsizer.
I cringe with fear, a spider outsider,
Arachnophobe, not a misquider.

Thanks for stopping by!

Day 859: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Wednesday-Prompt: insider

Are you looking for another caring community where your creativity and imagination can run wild? A place where you have the opportunity to win prizes for your participation? Are you looking for support or for a place that you would like to support? Then head on over to the Freewrite House and have some fun.


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