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Tips for Survival

Image credit @wandrnrose7 generated by AI @ Night Café

These are hard times brothers and sisters, and everything is pointing to leaner pantries and higher cost of living. If you can't make ends meet, maybe you're looking for a side hustle or have one (or several!). My granddaughter is limited in hours to work because she can't drive so she works weekends and she picked up a part time babysitting job for the days in between.

I've been experimenting with AI Art (Artificial Intelligence) on Night Cafe. I can incorporate it into #Hive (and who wouldn't?) @tezmel tried Wonder App for creating AI Art and she's off and running. A side hustle can be anything. God will guide your talents to help you take care of necessities. We're not the first generation deal with hardship. My grandparents and parents went through The Great Depression. These elderly folks who live that what tell us how wasteful we are now, and they are right.

Things like paper towels can be replaced by rags (like we used growing up). Disposable plastic containers can be replaced with reusable containers, Starbucks (need I say more?).
Individual servingsn(K Cups?) can be reconsidered to save money. Let's get real; we waste money and food that my parents and grandparents ate.

Do you want to have more money? Pick up a side hustle or, at the least, be more careful with your current resources and don't let yourself fall into the credit card trap!

Thank you for reading!

This is my five minute freewrite
using prompt side hustle by @mariannewest.