The Underdog Wins


Jackson called in advance to set a reservation for a window seat table overlooking the race track. The weather was hot in July, but the club house promised to be air conditioned.

When he arrived with his fiancée, Starlin, the red headed hostess said, "I have no evidence of a reservation being on the books."

Jackson, tugging at his collar apologized repeatedly to Starlin, but she smiled
and repeated each time, "Really, it's ok, Jackson."

Jackson appeared frazzled with his plans disintegrated. The evening progressed anyway. The table the waitress ushered them to was a high top way in the back of the dining room.

"Hey, at least we have a big screen TV and we can watch the races complete with close ups of the horses and the track," he offered. He seemed to be having a little better mood about the evening.

Neither Jackson or Starlin had ever gambled on a horse race before but the machine to place bets was conveniently located off to the right of Jackson’s elbow.

After receiving appetizers, the couple wandered to the betting machine, laughing as they placed bets. She studied the horses as they paraded by with their jockey’s aboard and mentally appraised the horses by their demeanor. On the first horse race, both of their chosen horses lost. The third race Jackson’s horse placed fifth. Starlin’s horse didn’t place at all. After dinner arrived, Starlin went to place a bet.

"I'm going to win this race! He pecked Starlin on the cheek and asked for boxes to go.

Jackson asked Starlin what horse she bet.

"I don't want to jinx it!"

One bay horse stamped his feet and reared up as he was being ridden to the box.

"He seems very intelligent,"she said. Jackson raised a eye brow but said nothing.

They were off!! Jackson stood as the race intensified then flopped onto his chair suddenly.

"Out of the race!! I can't believe he cut off Dragon's Blade!"

The remaining horses barreled around the track. With Jackson’s horse disqualified for cutting off the third horse. Starlin emitted
a delighted giggle. Jackson smiled a little and took a long drink of soda. The horses appeared on the home stretch and Starlin jumped from her chair almost upsetting her drink to shout, “Go Comanche Spirt!" The horse she'd placed a $100 bet was now leading the pack by a significant distance.

The cacophony of screams through the loudspeakers and within the club house climbed to a fever pitch.

Comanche Spirt crossed the finish line beating his own records and putting himself as the new number one favorite at the Amber Plains Track. Starlin bet on an underdog that paid off her college loans.


This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt horse race hosted by @mariannewest.

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