Signs of the Times


My heart goes out to the poor, the elderly and the mentally ill as inflation and gas prices gouge their meager monthly support. I think of the elderly who need to make frequent trips to see a doctor and have a fixed income. The first thought that comes to mind is what are they being forced to go without?

I speak with people from all over the United States during the course of my work day for a well known health insurance provider. In many of my callers voices I hear the deep frustration and I often am the default recipient of their misplaced anger. People are looking for someone or something to blame for their medical bills, rising health insurance premiums and over the top prescription drug expenses. I offer empathy and refer people to drug manufacturers when their medications cost a week's plus in wages in hopes that they can receive some level of discount for the medication.

Last week a young woman decided that she's not going to get a breast MRI because her deductible is too high.

Help whoever you can, whenever you can. You will never know how much it is appreciated and you may never know when you may need the extra help.

Have a wonderful week, Hive friends.

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6 KJV


This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt monthly support hosted by @mariannewest.

My Twitter handle is: @wandrnrose7

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