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Pain Be Gone


The day finally arrived for Jeff to get his neck epidural at the pain specialist. It's looking more and more like he will end up having to have spinal surgery. His desire is to get fake discs in his neck. Before the surgeon can do surgery on his neck, they ordered a pain injection. It can push back need for more invasive treatment.

Jeff was very nervous over the weekend as Monday approached. I remember @myjob mentioned that he could get a very bad headache after this injection. People that he knows mentioned to him that he could have a reaction to the epidural. Because the nerve is right next to the spinal cord there's all kinds of side effects associated with grazing a nerve of this size.

His appointment was at 8:30 am.
. He was instructed not to eat, which was fortunate. What did happen was that he moved slightly during the procedure causing the needle to graze his nerve. Instantly the injection triggered violent nausea and he vomited. I wouldn't doubt that he saw a color wheel burst in his brain upon impact. The doctor warned that nausea could occur.

Jeff said he felt his arm jerk, twitch and he experienced a zing accompanying weird nerve sensations. Jeff was scheduled for a work assignment in Cleveland after the appointment, two and a half hours away, which he promptly rescheduled.

Jeff came home and stayed after returning for a good part of the morning trying to settle his queasy stomach. He was able to eat lunch then go to the airport after a couple of hours to work on getting our plane flight worthy and ready for inspection.

We went to bed early last night then Jeff woke us up after a couple of hours with a bad case of hiccups. The hiccups were strong enough to shake the bed. When the hiccups didn't quit Jeff left the bedroom so that I could sleep. He waited for over an hour and returned to bed only to experience the hiccups once more. Finally they ended and we both were able to sleep for a while.

Today Jeff went to Cleveland and he reports that he has no pain in his neck and experiences restored mobility. I pray he continues to experience pain free days and months. Two discs were blown in his neck from a diving accident in his forties. We feel those accidents more as we grow older!

Photo property of the author. Jeff with his dog Inara

Thanks for reading 📚!

This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt color wheel hosted by @mariannewest.

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