NZT and Cold Noses


It's Tuesday and dinner's done. My son and I are (re)watching the movie Limitless. If you haven't seen the movie, it tells the story of a has-been named Eddy who lost everything (including his pretty girlfriend). He bumps into his former (loser) brother-in-law, who introduces him to an experimental drug called NZT.

NZT is a game changer for Eddy. Like all drugs, NZT has side effects. I've watched this movie a few times. I'm not sure why I find this movie worth watching again, but I do. Perhaps it's because the mind is fascinating, with all of its facets. I believe that we use a fraction of our mind's potential capacity. The human body was originally created by God to live forever.

The entrance of sin began the clock of physical death. The first humans lived hundreds of years. The effects on the body of generational sin bring us to shorter lives, although in the past century, we have lived longer than previous generations due, I believe, to improvements in health care advances and nutrition.


While we watch TV, the dogs relax on the sofa. Inara happily rests her cold nose on my son's knee. Rabbit lies on the sofa back. On the TV screen, Eddy stabs his attacker, a loan shark he owes money to, in a bunker he purchased with ill gotten gains from the stock market. He escapes several goons intent on taking his life. Everyone wants NZT because it makes a person brilliant while under the influence.

I've told you enough of the plot, and in case I've piqued your interest in the movie, I won't spoil the rest of it.
Thank you for reading!
This is my five minute freewrite
using prompt cold nose by @mariannewest

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