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Not Just Another Boiling Pot


"Oh no!" Macey exclaimed when the hissing sound made its way to her ears in the livingroom. Macey ran into the kitchen, hair tumbling from a bun into ringlets and sticking to her sweat beaded face. The baby screamed in the other room because his bottle was empty. She ran to the stove. A boiled pan of pasta lay half on the stove. Macey burst out in tears and stifled an expletive as she fumbled to shut off the stove and grab an oven mitt to move the pan from heat.

The phone rang; once, twice, three times. Macey's eyes rolled in panic. The baby had abruptly quit crying. The phone rang one more time and Pete's message kicked in . "We're not available to take your call..."

Then, the back door handle began to wiggling.

"Peter? Is that you?" Silence.
It was dark and Peter should be home. Macey crept to the door and peered into the dark from the small window. The door handle jiggled again.

Macey backed quietly away from the back door. She crouched as she went in to the livingroom get Nathan from the blanket. Nathan was chewing on the dog's bone. Macey whisked it across the room. He started to object, but she popped a sweet into his cheek and ran upstairs with him.

As her foot hit the top step, the house shook below her. Macey heard the sickening sound of screeching metal and splintering wood. Nathan twisted, howling in her ear.

"Macey! We are here to take you with us."


This is my five minute freewrite using prompt: boiling over hosted by @mariannewest.

My Twitter handle is:
Please find me there ❤

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