Divine Missed Appointments

Sometimes a missed appointment can change your life. A missed hair appointment on October 4, 2017, caused me and my husband to cross paths on October 5th in the small, rural town we live by. It must have been a divine appointment that we would meet. I had swapped days and took my car for the oil change on the fourth when it was scheduled for the fifth.

The day we met, Jeff was sitting on the steps of the hair salon I was scheduled to get my hair done at 11:00. I decided to wait in the nail salon next door since the hair salon was a one-woman show. I gave the beautician plenty of time to finish his hair before I headed back over to the salon.

They were just finishing up and she asked if Jeff if wanted to see the back of his hair. He said, no, but then, without turning around asked me what I thought. I told him it look good. He stood up and tucked his shirt in. I said, "That's a handsome haircut."

Little did I know this meeting would end up a wedding that I never anticipated having again.
My beautician provided him with my phone number, after clearing that with me. A few weeks later we went on our first date. We have been together ever since and are heading towards our second wedding anniversary on July 31, 2021.

Thank you for reading 📚. Did a missed appointment ever turn into a big change in your circumstances?

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using prompt missed appointment by @felt.buzz. I challenge you to join the challenge and add @freewritehouse for regular contests!

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