But at What Cost?


Daniel, where are you going?
Anywhere but here, Silvia.
I don't understand. Why are you leaving?
You really don't understand, do you?
Can you really be that self absorbed that you don't even see anymore?

Daniel! You're not being fair.

Oh? You think I'm just over reacting? Two affairs, one child, who I adopted, and two sessions in drug rehabilitation later and you haven't seen one thing wrong with your part in this relationship.
I'm done, Silvia. I stopped loving you years ago. You are a heartless bitch to everyone who tries to get close to you.

You wield your abused past like a badge that gives you permission to do whatever destructive thing you desire and justify the fall out because you can't help it.

I have signed off on the house and here is the keys to your car.
All you have to do now is learn how to say no to yourself before you kill yourself.

Jaime is doing well in college, despite your tantrums, and if you can muster any affection for anyone beyond yourself you'll leave him in peace to learn.

Here is a list of psychiatrists you can call. Maybe you'll want to sign yourself in somewhere to get help getting off all the drugs your current psychiatrist and lover put you on. You can tell him his plan worked.

Don't call me. Here is my lawyer's phone number.

Good luck. You're going to need it.

Author Note: Addiction takes many forms and it can be very hard, if not impossible for some, to overcome. This is a fictional story based on a mish mash of addicts that I have known in my life. Personal and family loss are rampant in addiction. If you have a problem, recognize that there are people who can help you get your life back. God hears the prayers of the broken hearted and wants to help, if you ask.


This is my five
minute freewrite using prompt Where are you going?. hosted by @mariannewest. The prompt is yesterday's. You can access also today's prompt.

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