An Absense of Worry

The Bible tells me don't worry.
"Fear not for I am with you."
"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

The theme through the Old Testament and New Testament is to trust God and not fear. How does a person accomplish this?

The elusive element of faith is the determining factor. For those who do not have a personal relationship with God, their estimation of a believer is someone who believes in fairy tales or the invisible. My father once told me that it's ok to have a crutch and that crutches are for the weak.

I venture to believe that everyone eventually finds themselves at a place where they are at the end of their strength. For me, it came at the age of thirty-eight in the early hours of the morning when two policemen knocked on the door of our home asking for me. My husband awakened me around three am to tell me that the police wanted to speak to me because my mother was dead from a gunshot wound, and they wanted to be sure no one had murdered her.

Anxiety has a way of gripping your soul in any death, but death by suicide adds a much more complex and deeply personal layer to the grieving process.

The challenge, and struggle to upright your mental equilibrium is formidable. I dare to say without the whisper of God's assurance that He remained with me and for me, I may have chosen a different, self-destructive life, too. Instead, it let loose a deeper appreciation for life and a desire to live more fully, not just for me, but for her.
AI Art created in Blue Willow Discord

Blue Willow

This is my five-minute freewrite
using prompt don't worry by @mariannewest. I challenge you to join the challenge and add @freewritehouse for regular contests!

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