Full of Sunlight

It's what the day is, strangely enough the nights are pitch dark and besides of crying wolves I hear the aereoplanes cross over. It reminds me of months ago when 3 fighting jets or whatever it was were circling above my home. They must have thought it was a fine place to practice unlike above a city. But why not a city? Why is the countryside always the place to drop garbage, and make noise and where it's right to ignore the rights of those who like to live in peace and make many sacrifices to do so (lack of everything: water, electricity, bad wifi if at all, bad roads, always car repairs, noise that travels from far.
I read today that if people were a bit more tolerant war wouldn't exist. I can only laugh about such a remark and so I did with my children. I'm grateful they are not so stupid to believe everything that's said and they use their brain to think. If we do not know the answer we search for it and my children are very fast if it comes to that. They grab a book, search the internet and no, AI is not the first choice although it forces itself as first on the screen. As if AI is almighty and knows everything the best. Well, that's true in a way although it mentions AI is still visiting school and can be wrong. It's as if I'm listening to a teacher repeating the same story for over 50 years unaware of the fact that the world changes.
It was the second day I spent more time outside. That was partly due to the fact my back hurt and it was easier to drag a sunbed outside and lay on it close to the door of the guesthouse (wifi). Sunlight and screens don't work well together but I was able to read and comment and upvote (I wonder how many I do per day at least 50 if not more). Outside I noticed I have a crack in my screen. It wasn't there yesterday although it was damaged after I dropped it. Hopefully, it's not too damaged but it's extremely slooow. You should have a new phone, said my son as I told him I better have a second one. One for writing and the other for business and no Samsung.

13.8.2023 August passed by fast and I didn't do much, not in the mood to travel either (no I mentioned travelling, I packed my backpack). No, no markdowns for this post either, it's too much trouble.

prompt: see title and @daily.prompt

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