Is it Important for Writers to Have Had Existential Experiences?

Hello everyone,
First of all I wish you a beautiful day!
In today's Question & Answer portion that I will share as an Author,

Is it Important for Writers to Have Had Existential Experiences?

This morning at 6 am, I was sitting on the lanai of my hotel room in Asia
watching the sunrise in the celestial transition from night to day. Venus was
low on the horizon at that time, visible from about 4am on as the earth rotated
my position into the Sun. Between 4am and 5am, the beautiful planet gained
about ten degrees of horizon, then slowly faded from my view as the sun
lightened the sky. In the dark, as I began my vigil, bats flew through the sky
and insect sounds were punctuated by the waves against the shore. Slowly, as
the sky lightened into pink, then transitioned to yellow gold, the bats were
replaced in the sky by birds, and the sounds of insects were replaced by
roosters and the occasional dog barking in a nearby village.

At an appointed time, predetermined by billions of years of universal
rotation, the earth spun into position where the sun rolled over the horizon
and first poked it's corona over the line between water and heaven. In an
instant, light flooded across the water like liquid warmth and the temperature
increase hit my skin in a caress of existential intercourse.

That moment, the precise sounds, colors, and position of a trillion planets,
had never occurred before and would never happen again. Never. Not in ten
trillion, trillion, trillion years, would the moment that I experienced EVER be
repeated, and I just shared that experience with you.

In that moment of awe, the question passed through my mind of how important it
is for writers to have had existential experiences like that one?

I don't know if I can answer that question with authority, but something in my
mind's musing made me think that in order to explore the depths of human
experience with my audience, I had to have lived, loved, lost, nearly died,
created the lives of my children, loved my adopted children's, and sat on lanais
in places like The Philippines and Hawaii while experiencing the insignificance
of my life, and the conversely the essential value of it.

Perhaps, that is why the writings of young authors often lack depth and
emotional connectivity? In no way would I suggest that young people shouldn't
write, writing is a skill that needs to be developed and I wrote from an early
age. Also, no thought should be applied universally, but perhaps experiencing
the depth and reality of your own insignificance and unique brilliance in the
cosmos gives a writer some foundation to be able to connect with a reader on a
deeper level.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject!

THANK YOU for your time reading my articles today! if you have any ideas feel free to comments.
Your honest reviews is much appreciated.

VS Campbell

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