Missing my father

✅ what i see
A homeless-looking man is deep in thought with his jaw clenched.

✅ what i feel
A man who appears to be homeless, is deep in thought with his jaw clenched. His beard is bushy and overgrown, and his face is gaunt.
What is he thinking?

✅ story

When I saw this photo, I thought of my father.
I think he looks a little bit like him.
When I was younger, I resented him a lot.
We were a poor family, and he used to drink a lot, which bothered my mom a lot.
I got married and became a father of two daughters myself.
Now that I'm a father myself, I understand parents' feelings a little better.
After that, my father died suddenly.
Sometimes I see my father in my dreams.
I regret that I wasn't very filial to him, and I wish I had been more filial to him when he was alive.
We should all be good to our parents while they are still alive.
I miss my father today.

There's a saying that goes, "Be good to your parents while they're still alive, because there's no point in regretting it after they're gone.

10 things you do for your parents

1.Say I love you
👉 I love you is a nice thing to say that you never get tired of hearing.
2.Understand their parents' 'getting older'
3.Give your parents 'joy'
You can reassure your parents and bring them joy by living your life unabashedly.
4.Give them an allowance
5.Helping your parents do their jobs
6.Talk to your parents often
7.Take care of your parents' health
8.Visit them often
9.Keep your parents' lives organized
Be there to help them organize the rest of their lives in a beautiful way.
10.Do filial piety on their terms, not yours

✅ Followers Giveaway 🎁
I'd like to share some of this week's author rewards.
This week, I'm giving away 1 HSBI to 5 lucky Friends.

Dear friends
Stay healthy and happy. ❤️

@kemmyb @edith-4angelseu @blanca56 @fixyetbroken @yeouido.park

Thank you for reading my post. 😀

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