A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

photo taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Episode 1 Realistic episodes

We have a lot of people working in our company. Therefore, we create and provide a phone booth where you can make quiet calls free from ambient noise and respect your personal privacy.

Phone booths that block outside noise and provide a quiet calling environment are popular with employees.
But you shouldn't spend too much time alone. You have to be considerate of others.

Episode 2 Fantastic Episodes

Today, I set up a phone booth for an event at work.

The event is to save a message to your future self over the phone.

The method is simple.

  1. open the phone booth door, walk in, and sit down.
  2. When the AI asks for your name and phone number, you tell it.
  3. The AI asks you to say a message to your future self, and you have 5 minutes to say it.
  4. You can leave your future self any promises, resolutions, encouragement, etc.
  5. Say "Send" to finish.
  6. Open the phone booth door and walk out.

Ten years later, the AI calls you and delivers your voicemail.

One day, 10 years later, your cell phone rings.

"Hey James, how have you been for the last 10 years?
You've been working hard for 10 years.
You've been working so hard, you haven't had a break.
Take a vacation for yourself, read a book.
Take time to recharge.
Spend quality time with your loved ones.
So you can have a better life going forward.
I love you, let's be happy."

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