source: Darkify app

It all happened one bright afternoon when Betty was dressing up for lunch. Salome the hostel captain walked into the hostel and slighted her combing her hair. Her hair shone brilliantly from the rays of the sun that sneaked the hostel. The length and beauty of the hair made Salome envy.

The envy that has been developing in her became fully matured. She searched frantically on how to cause Betty pains.

“Betty, come here!” she called as she sat on the edge of her bed, listening to a music, as a result she couldn’t hear her.

“Betty, or whatever you damn name is,” Salome shouted loudly. “Will you come here immediately.”

She suddenly realized the presence of Salome had called her. Fear crept to her heart by the force of her voice. She wondered, what has she done this time?

“Will you come here, you stupid girl?” She shouted, as she walked towards her.

Betty just stood there, fear written all over her, waiting for the worst. Salome approached her and slapped her hard across her face. “The next time I call you, you’ll see no reason to hesitate.” She gave her a long hiss and walked back to the door.

“Come here, you brat!”

Betty walked towards her with tear stained face. Salome handled her twenty cent forcefully to her.

“Take that,” go to the school canteen and get me potatoes chips 10cent, meat pie 30 cent, canned juice 25 cent and bring back balance of 40 cent, did I make myself clear?
Betty looked at the money and wondering how possible will she get all these items.

“But. But, the money won’t be enough”, she stammered.

“Are you still new in this school?” she asked her, giving her a steady look.

“If you love yourself and your body, just go get me what I’ve asked for or else,” she said with a hard face.

Betty got the message immediately and rushed out of her presence.

“ You missed your lunch?” Cynthia asked

Betty nodded sadly.

Loveth noticed the red marks on her face. She was taken aback at its sight & thought of the one person, who could be responsible.

“Salome did this to you?” she inquired, pointing at her face. Betty nodded, as more tears were beginning to form in her eyes. The two friends walked towards her, Cynthia held her shoulder and Loveth wiped her tears off her eyes.

“What happened?” Loveth asked. Cynthia just stared at her, Betty narrated all that happened that afternoon.

“How cruel of her, what do we do now?” Loveth asked, looking worried.

Its night, the nocturnal animals made various sound signifying it was their time. The students were fast asleep. A cat mewed and its sound seemed to make the students sleep deeper.

Salome opened her eyes abruptly. She was sleeping with her face up, staring at the ceiling. The quietness in the room was clinging to the bone, Slowly, she found her hair growing longer to her feet, her fingers and toes nails grew into claws. Her skin became darker, two small pointy horns grew out of her head. Her sudden transformation looked horrifying.

She crawled out of her bed and stood on her feet. She walked slowly towards Salome’s bedroom, after all the distance from her corner to Salome’s bedroom was not long. She discovered the door was looked, she smiled and walked through the closed door. She found Salome sleeping, her face looked troubled.

“Oh, good she’s having a bad dream”, Betty smiled. She bent towards her and enchanted some spells on her head, as she placed a little portion of black powder on her forehead gently, it sank into her skin. She smiled as she vanished , and appeared in her room in her beautiful self.

Salome woke up, she was sweating profusely and her mind was very troubled. She had a horrible dream, as if propelled by a force, she stood up and walked towards the mirror she hung on the wall of her bedroom.

Alarm was immediately written on her face at the sight of her image, strange chicken pox appeared on her body, she gently untied the rope of her night dress to examine her body.
The sight of chicken pox all over her naked body petrified her. She gave out a loud cry without control..

“Help! Help me! I’m dying!” with that, she fainted.

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