
The weather was calm when we took off in the small boat as we were travelling to the next town. We were getting close to our destination when all of a sudden the weather changed.

Waves upon waves came from nowhere to crash violently on our boat. The driver did his best to control the boat to no avail. Finally, it capsized and threw everyone one out, having succumbed to the forces of the crazy waves.

Finding ourselves in the open water, we started the struggle of our lives. It was everyone to himself because you have to be free to think of saving someone else.

The flow of the river was very forceful and was hellbent on carrying everything down its way. Trying to swim against the current of the flow was almost a waste of time. So, we were just like logs of wood being carried by the merciless river.

The best effort was swimming to remain afloat.
So, down and down the river we went to a destination we did not know.

At a time, I lost sight of the other two and became alone in the world of the river and the environment at large.

Still, I continued making marginal effort to force my way to the shore. I succeeded in leaving the centre of the force of the flowing river, and got to a calmer area.

Eventually, I reached a place where there were many stones. I held onto some of them and inched my way to the bank. The place happened to be a natural shade reminiscent of a cave. I sat down on one of the rocks, exhausted and thinking of what next to do.

Looking out, the river had lost its turbulence and assumed a calm disposition. The evening sky above was so colourful as if an artist carefully designed it to please the soul of man. Everything was beautiful except that I was in the centre of nowhere.

"Where's here?" "Am I in bondage?" "Am I lost?" "How can I find my way?" These questions repeatedly kept flashing in my mind.

And the beautiful evening sky reminded me, "This is not a resting place for you. The night would soon come. You better find the black sheep before nightfall."

With that I dropped exhaustion by the side, struggled to my feet and climbed above the landscape in search of any human being.

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