Amber Light

It was a Moonless night and Ene, a poor and humble fisherman had gone fishing. The night was calm and the River was calmer, the best weather for that exercise.
As he paddled his way through his normal route, he saw something very unusual emanating from the dense fog of the night, an amber light, piercing through the darkness. It was right there on top of the waters and at first he felt it was another fisherman out there and followed the light, perhaps there would be more catch and he could also do with some company.

As he approached the source of the illumination, he discovered a hidden cove, as if compelled by forces unseen, he went deeper, until he saw it. There on the River's floor was a bracelet pulsating with an ethereal radiance.

"So this is true", he whispered in awe. He had dismissed as mere superstition his father's story about a strange bracelet with amber light, it was the fisherman's luck who saw it with his eyes. It would bestow untold riches upon such an one, but it was buried in the depth of the River, beyond reach. It was only the favoured that could see it and claim it as his'. It would enrich the favoured and return back to the River's bed, unseen for decades until it decides again to bless another. His great grandfather had been a benefactor, known for his wealth and affluence throughout many kingdoms.
Ene looked at it in wonder..... "So it's true, I am the favoured one", he whispered as he reverently reached out to scoop the bracelet.

Thank you for the challenge.

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