A child of two worlds

This photo was taken by @wakeupkitty, the host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Many nights soaked in tears
A woman's sorrow in every starlight
For a heart longing, For a dream denied
In the dark corner of her beautiful heart
Grieving night and day for just one
Just one child to call her own

Olivia, the Moon Glow and the Sun Shine
From the Outer worlds would watch
The woman drench herself in many tears
Till there was no more to shed
Till her heart would seem to burst
And the endless Skies would weep with her

"Perhaps I can feel that void", She thinks
For the woman's pain became hers
And her sorrows haunted her day and night
Poor Olivia was an orphan with no one
To call her own, no mother to Love her so
She then vowed to fill that empty space

Today reborn as tender breaths of dawn
Wiping the tears of the woman who mourned
From Celestial to Terrestrial, Olivia consoled
In the tender arms of a loving mother
She would be the Sun and the Moon
A child with Starlight in her hands

Thank you for the contest.

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