1 March 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2298: the rise of nationalism

Laura was born into a multicultural society where everyone embraced and celebrated their differences. Growing up in such a society where everyone respected each other's beliefs and ideologies brought her immense pleasure, because she didn't need to be afraid to express herself in any form. She loved the cultural diversity as each learnt from the other, everyone a teacher, everyone a learner.

Then in her teenage years, she began to notice a shift in her society. Religious and cultural incitements from a group of people who started preaching dissenting views on multiculturalism. Discrimination became rampant, friends and neighbours turned against those who were once considered a part of the community.

Laura's parents who had migrated to the country years before she was born, were now branded strangers and with the rise of nationalism, more seeds of distrust and fear were sowed among the people. She now witnessed violence and hate speech directed against the immigrants, the once peaceful and accommodating society she had come to know and love, crumbled right before her very eyes. It was no longer safe for her and her family, so they travelled back to their country believing that the ideals of diversity and inclusivity were becoming increasingly elusive.

Thank you for the prompt.

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