24 Hours Part 4


Then one Friday Evening , Tonye's phone rang as Tonye tried to unlock his car at the radio station car park. As he took the call and the feminine voice at the other end, only introduced herself as Alice. His heart raced, trying to figure who the caller was, for she didn't tell him her name at the mall. He had assumed she was one of his numerous girlfriends or female fans. He was cautious and didn't ask who Alice was. Tonye pretended he was aware of who was on the other end until she asked if he expected her to call him the same night of their accidental mall meet.
When he realized who she was, he got instantly elated. However, he managed his excitement so that his voice didn't betray. After the civilly, Alice asked if she could invite him to a singles' program in her church the following Sunday. Tonye explained that he would have loved to attend, and possibly meet her, but that he would be on duty on Sunday. He then asked, "Can I save your number and call you after the program to be briefed on the benefits of the program?" Alice accepted and offered to buy him recordings of the program. As she ended the call, Tonye boxed the air and exclaimed, "Yes, my ‘wet ground' has established contact."
He sang and whistled as he drove home. When Tonye realized that her passion was for the ‘things of God.' He decided to play along. He began to espouse the Pentecostal culture and language, just to impress her. In weeks, Tonye had become a regular at the popular Pentecostal church that Alice attends. He was in fact, so visible that one would wonder if he hadn't been there all along.

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