A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: The Skater Boy on the First Day of School

Recently, I'm trying to be more active in writing. I miss those days when I write almost every day. It was so fun, so I'm going to challenge myself once again and join @freewritehouse's A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


Describe what you see:

  • There's a person on a skateboard on a rough road. It's sunny and it seems to be the perfect weather to go for a ride.

Describe what you feel:

  • It's pretty nostalgic, to be honest. Although I have never gone skateboarding, there are a few stories I can remember about it.

Write a story or poem or about what you think is going:

  • Let's pretend that I'm writing a diary entry


Dear Diary,

It was such a memorable first day of school. New school year; new and fresh faces. Yet, the same young me; naïve, curious and easily amazed.

While I was at the school yard greeting familiar faces and welcoming new ones, I saw an unfamiliar red vehicle which halted in front of me.

Eager to see who's going to come out, I stood there and waited.


To my surprise, a skater boy literally jumped out riding his skateboard from the car and onto the rough grounds of the school yard.

He was dazzling! Was it because it's a first for me to see such sight? Or was it because of Avril Lavigne's newest released song "Sk8erboi"? I don't exactly know, but it did make my heart skip a beat.

The skater boy was blinding, but I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He was so cool! I wanted to get to know him.

Waking me up from my euphoric daydreaming, the bell rang and I was brought back to reality.

The first day of school went well without a glitch. I learned from a newly transferred classmate that the skater boy was two years ahead of us... and his name was Seth.

I saw him again when school ended that day. He was on his skateboard as I was passing through to get to the school bus. Our eyes met and he smiled.

There and then, I knew... this school year would be like no other!


Hahaha... This is somewhat based on a true story (with a few exaggerations here and there). I was young and was a hopeless romantic. Nobody makes me feel kilig these days anymore, (except for anime characters) so allow me to reminisce.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the cringe. lol

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