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How useful is marketing

My week has been stressful and hetic, so I went out not in search of job but to the place I was posted to.


Goldpine integrated service LTD, it's a private company that works under LAFARGE, well the company is into marketing of cement and other materials.

So they have supafix for tiles, and also pop for roofing and screeding . That's what the company is into.

Today was actually my first time going there, which I'll be starting work properly on Monday, I've worked with other companies before but with what I experienced today at Goldpine, I realised am going to learn alot from this particular company, even if am not gonna make use of the knowledge now but I know definitely in the future it would be useful.

So I was waiting for the sales manager to come and sign my posting letter either to accept or reject me, while waiting the staffs were helding a meeting the same place I was seated, so I was opportuned to be a part of the meeting.

The meeting was all about their sales, how to increase their sales, cause last month the sales they made wasn't impressive at all.
So every staff was asked to give a review on how their week went, how they were able to convince customers.

Now to convince someone to buy something from you is not actually an easy task, at some part the customers will tell you they have where they buy from and at a cheaper rate, you as a marketer how are you supposed to convince such a person. And some customers be like: I want to see sample, And if it's the first they are hearing about it.

And most times some persons don't like trying out new things they would want to stick to what they know how to use and what they feel is inconvenient for them.

Then the sales manager came and was educating the staffs on how they would increase their sales for the month of February

That in marketing you don't use one particular method forever, if you noticed that the way you're going about or doing it is not bringing the kind of result you want then the only thing to do, is to re-strategise.

In order for you to achieve a goal, you must have a plan. As a marketer if you want to cover a certain environment first you need to plan on how to go about it, you need focus your target on the environment and the audience.

And the sales manager quoted:
Marketing is a definite way of attracting customers to a particular product or drawing the attention of people to a particular product.


He also used churches as an example: when people go out for evangelism, they don't go out to advertise their churches, when they meet with you they be like: I'll like you to visit my church, even if you tell them you have a place you worship, then they'll be like how many services do you guys have, now if you tell them two or more, they'll say okay why not attend our first service then go to your own church.

Now they're not preaching their church to you, but what they want is for you to visit their church and see how they do things there, probably if you like the way they do things there then, is left for you to decide either to stay or not.

Then he was like the way they will follow you up even if you don't want to go to the church you'll be convinced to go, I think I've been in a situation like that before, like the calls, texts, some times they will come to your house to pay you a visit and be super nice to you.

A lot of ideas were shared among the staffs, and I was even asked to give my own opinion on how to increase sales.. well you don't wanna know my own part of the story🙃.

So the good news is that I was accepted to be a part of the company, of which I'll be working there in the next eight months till my service year will be over, I was really excited though even if the work is gonna be stressful a bit, I know I'll benefit alot the company, I'll to have know more about marketing.

We work three days in a week, the most interesting part, cause I can't be working from Monday to Saturday how stressful could that be because am serving my nation.

I was also given two shirts and two face caps. With time I'll post that too.

You can always patronage me, if you want cement for tiling, trust me supafix is the best cement to use for your tiles, you don't need to add sand to it, just add water and you're good to go.

Thank you for reading.