Relief. ZapficMonday

At 65, he thought he could bear it all. Power outages over 12 hours would be nothing to him. He lit his last battered cigarette and with the same match a candle to gaze at his only son’s photo. At least you’re not here, it’s a relief.

Hello everyone! This is my entry for ZapFicMonday. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. It’s an original piece that holds a very personal meaning to me. Good luck to all the other participants and thank you for this wonderful opportunity to share our creativity. Cheers!

The image you see here was sourced from Pixabay:

Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

I spent some time personalizing and editing it for this post using Adobe Illustrator. Every detail was carefully considered to capture the essence of my story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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