The Big Dilemma / El Gran Dilema [Eng / Spa]

The Big Dilemma / El Gran Dilema

photo taken by @wakeupkitty.


Those of us who knew the Millers knew that their marriage was falling apart.

The great love for their little son was the only thing the young couple had left in common.

That afternoon I met them at the ice cream parlor, and for a moment I thought about saying hello, but I didn't want to interrupt them.

The couple continued immersed in their discussion without noticing my presence, and apparently, neither the presence of little Carlitos.

The child remained absent from his parents' discussion.

Perhaps in his heart, Carlitos knew that even if they were separated, his parents would continue to love him forever, and that as an adult, he would have to deal with his own problems.

But for now, he had a big dilemma in front of him, to choose between the rich cream with strawberries or the vanilla with the delicious chocolate topping.
Los que conocíamos a los Miller, sabíamos que su matrimonio se estaba derrumbando.

El gran amor hacia su pequeño hijo, era lo único que quedaba en común entre la joven pareja.

Esa tarde los encontré en la heladería, por un momento pensé en saludarlos, pero no los quise interrumpir.

La pareja continuó sumergida en su discusión sin notar mi presencia, y al parecer, tampoco la del pequeño Carlitos.

El niño permanecía ausente de la discusión de sus padres.

Quizás para sus adentros, Carlitos sabía que aunque fuera por separado, sus padres lo seguirían amando por siempre, y que luego de adulto, él tendría que lidiar con sus propios problemas.

Pero por ahora, tenía frente a sí un gran dilema, escoger entre la rica crema con fresas o la vainilla con el delicioso tope de chocolate.

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This was my participation in the contest A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words organized by @freewritehouse

Thank you for reading.

Until next time!

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