Mala intención (Cuento) Bad intention (Story)

Mi participación en el desafio de la comunidad de @freewritehouse : una imagen vale mas que mil palabras.

Mala intención

Contaba sus movimientos, hasta los musicalizaba, ella miraba y se reía, pero lo hacía a propósito, seguro se imaginaba sus ojos pegados en su caminar y cuando llegaba a la reja de la otra vecina, las dos chicas se reían, seguro comentaban como el vecino las miraba.
Entre las dos completaban el cuadro, él, siempre se hacía el loco agarraba, su celular y jugaba, no paraba de jugar, se perdía en los laberintos que iba fabricando y creaba figuras femeninas como sus vecinas, ellas lo acosaban y se convertían en zombis y se iban tras él y siempre se lo comían, porque sus ojos estaban por otro lado y no se concentraba, ya le había pasado muchas veces, contaba los puntos perdidos y tenía que volver a empezar el juego, no avanzaba de nivel.
—¿Está jugando vecino? —oyó que le decían muy cerca, allí estaban las mujeres, lo miraban, y él no hallaba qué hacer con los colores que le cambiaban el rostro.
—¡Vecino! ¿ese juego debe ser muy divertido? —le dijo una de ellas.
—¡Ah sí! Es para matar el tiempo.
—Hay otras formas de matarlo y dejarlo bien muerto, — le contestó la otra chica.
—¡Sí vecina! y ¿cuál es esa forma?
Ahora no sabía de qué color era su piel, le quedaba esa risa picara que le producía mucho calor, empezaba a sudar y las palabras no le salían.
—¡Chao vecino! hay tantas tardes de soledad…
—Sí vecina, es cierto, por eso me la paso jugando…
Se iban, con ese paso que lo dejaba tonto y ahí, los zombis se lo devoraban.
—Ahora sí nos acomodamos, mirando mujeres ajenas.
—Bueno mamá, la vista es inquieta y mirar no hace daño.
—Mirar no, pero esas mujeres meten en problemas a cualquiera.
—No va a pasar nada mamá.
¿Y si pasa? Ya estaba cansado de dejarse comer de los zombis, había perdido casi todas las estrellas ganadas, los puntos acumulados y ahora las cosas empeoraban, porque también soñaba con la vecina, ella no lo dejaba dormir, las cosas eran peor en el sueño, ella, lo dejaba llegar hasta la reja, podía oler su perfume, sentir su aliento muy cálido, pero allí también el piso se le hundía, caía por un abismo y ella le ofrecía la mano, él quería agarrársela, pero no podía, había mucho calor, sudaba, aunque tuviera el aire acondicionado a temperatura máxima, sudaba y cuando lograba tener sus dedos entre los suyos, el bendito perro ladraba y ladraba tanto que lo despertaba y eso era como si los zombis se lo comieran.
Ya no aguanto más, ahora caminaré, cambiaré de estrategia y pasaré por el frente de su casa, es hora del contraataque, pero al llegar, seguía de largo, y la risa de las dos mujeres, se le pegaban en la espalda, —será en otra ocasión, —se decía.
Ellas sabían que el chico, estaba dando los pasos necesarios, medía el terreno. En otra tarde, que iba como embelesado, mirando los grandes y carnosos muslos de la mujer, no se dio cuenta que allí estaba el marido que también lo miraba y le dijo así, a boca de jarro:
—¿Se te perdió algo? o ¿andas buscando lo que no se te ha perdido?
Seguro que los zombis se lo volvieron a comer, cuando pasó de regreso, ya el marido no estaba, pero vio la llave pegada en la reja, oía una voz que le susurraba: ¡agárrame! ¡agárrame! esa voz se le pegaba en la oreja, te la está poniendo fácil hombre, pero no, mejor la llamo, mejor pego el grito.
—¡Vecina, dejó la llave pegada en la puerta!
Escuchó que dijo, —ya salgo, me estoy bañando, —entonces le entraron unos calorones repentinos que le movieron el piso, pero siguió de largo. Cuando llegó a la casa su mamá estaba comiéndose un cambur, agarró la cáscara y la tiró delante de él.
—¿Qué le pasa mamá? ¿Por qué hace eso?
—Porque estás apunto de pisarla.
—Pero mamá, vi cuando la tiraste.
—¿Está si la viste? ¡muchacho tonto! —me dijo y se fue al lavadero a seguir en sus oficios.
El siguiente día volvió a pasar, allí estaban las dos vecinas en pantalones cortos, lo piropearon y le ofrecieron un cambur, él lo agarró con una gran sonrisa, sobre todo cuando le dijo bajito:
—Esta noche voy a estar solita, —le dijo la mujer.
iba a decir algo, pero no encontró piso, pensó que estaba en el aire o sobre las nubes y se fue a la casa para bañarse.
—¡Esta vez, es la vencida! seguro deja las llaves o simplemente me deja la puerta abierta.
—¿Se puede saber para dónde vas a esta hora?
—¡Con los muchachos del barrio mamá! Tenemos una fiesta.
—Bueno hijo, que Dios me lo cuide.
—¡Amén mamá!
La mamá lo vio alejarse, se quedó tranquila y él tuvo que dar una vuelta más larga y regreso por otro lado. Cuando llego a la casa de la mujer, se fijó en una cáscara de plátano que estaba en el piso, empezó a sudar, los pies no le respondían y seguro, estaba completamente seguro, que esta vez los zombis se lo iban a volver a comer.

My participation in the @freewritehouse community challenge: a picture is worth a thousand words.

Bad intention

He counted his movements, he even put them to music, she watched and laughed, but he did it on purpose, surely he imagined her eyes glued to his walk and when he reached the fence of the other neighbor, the two girls laughed, surely they commented on how the neighbor looked at them.

Between the two of them they completed the picture, he always acted crazy, grabbed his cell phone and played, he did not stop playing, he got lost in the mazes he was making and created female figures like his neighbors, they harassed him and became zombies and went after him and they always ate him, because his eyes were somewhere else and he did not concentrate, it had already happened many times, he counted the lost points and had to start the game again, he did not advance in the level.

—Are you playing, neighbor? —He heard what they were saying very close to him, the women were there, they were looking at him, and he couldn't find what to do with the colors that changed his face.

—Neighbor, that game must be a lot of fun? —one of them said to him.
—Oh yes, it's to kill time.
—There are other ways to kill him and leave him dead, —answered the other girl.
—Yes, neighbor! And what is that way?

Now she didn't know what color her skin was, she was left with that stinging laughter that made her very hot, she started to sweat and the words didn't come out.

—Bye, neighbor! There are so many lonely afternoons...
—Yes neighbor, it's true, that's why I keep playing...

They were leaving, with that step that left him dumb and there, the zombies were devouring him.

—Now we were getting very comfortable, looking at other people's women.
—Well, mom, the sight is restless and looking doesn't hurt.
—Looking maybe not, but those women can get anyone in trouble.
—Nothing will happen, mom.

What if it does? He was already tired of letting the zombies eat him, he had lost almost all the stars he had earned, the points he had accumulated and now things were getting worse, because he was also dreaming about the neighbor, she wouldn't let him sleep, things were worse in his sleep, she let him get to the gate, he could smell her perfume, feel her very warm breath, but there too the floor was sinking, he was falling into an abyss and she offered him her hand, he wanted to grab it, but he couldn't, it was too hot, he was sweating, even if he had the air conditioning at maximum temperature, he was sweating and when he managed to have her fingers between his, the blessed dog barked and barked so much that it woke him up and it was as if the zombies were eating him.

I can't take it anymore, now I will walk, I will change my strategy and I will pass by the front of his house, it is time for the counterattack, but when he arrived, he continued walking, and the laughter of the two women, he felt them at his back, -it will be another time, - he said to himself.

They knew that the boy was taking the necessary steps, measuring the terrain. On another afternoon, when he was looking at the woman's big, fleshy thighs, he didn't notice that her husband was also looking at him, and he said to her,

—Did you lose something, or are you looking for what you haven't lost?

Surely the zombies ate it again, when he came back, the husband was not there, but he saw the key stuck in the grille, he heard a voice whispering: grab me! grab me! that voice was stuck in his ear, he is making it easy for you man, but no, I better call her, I'd better shout.

—Neighbor, she left the key stuck in the door!

He heard her say, —I'm coming out, I'm taking a bath, —then she got a sudden heat that shook her floor, but she kept going. When he got home his mother was eating a banana, he grabbed the peel and threw it in front of him.

—What's wrong with mom? Why is she doing that?
—Because you're about to step on it.
—But mom, I saw when you threw it.
—Did you see it? Silly boy! —He said to me and went to the laundry room to continue his work.

The next day he passed by again, there were the two neighbor girls in short pants, they complimented him and offered him a banana, he grabbed it with a big smile, especially when he said to her in a low voice:

—I'm going to be alone tonight, —the woman told him.

He was going to say something, but he found no floor, he thought he was in the air or above the clouds and went to the house to take a bath.

—This time, it's the last time! I'm sure she'll leave the keys or just leave the door open for me.
—Where are you going at this hour?
—With the boys from the neighborhood, mom! We're having a party.
—Well son, may God take care of him.
—Amen, Mom!

The mother saw him walk away, she stayed calm and he had to take a longer walk and went back the other way. When he arrived at the woman's house, he noticed a banana peel on the floor, he started sweating, his feet were not responding and he was sure, he was absolutely sure, that this time the zombies were going to eat him again.

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