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Stressing Oneself Is Sinful

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Trust me, Almighty loves you and never wants to see you sad or broken. So why you crying for having complications in life. Its temporary, even nothing is permanent, not even our life. So before the physical death we should know, how to live a life.

This morning I was crying because life seems really very unfair and cursed, it seems full of complications that we never expect. Always things are not planned, it just happen and we become helpless to our heart and can't change things as we want it.

Stressing oneself is like giving punishment oneself and our Almighty doesn’t want to punish us because he is the kindest. We bring troubles and problems in our life and start blaming Almighty for giving us such complicated life. Directly or indirectly we are responsible for our own sufferings but its our nature to blame others.

Stressing oneself for something we don't want to do but situation force us to do and it sinful because it brings nothing good except more complications. Taking risk in life can be necessary but the success depends on luck too. For example, you attempt suicide to convince your family to grant your wishes but there is a risk to your life and you can even die. So this kind of risk taking is silly.

Stress is a kind of slow poison which ruin us silently inside. Our Almighty doesn’t want us to be ruin and when we do harm to ourselves, it surly sinful. It also injustice to oneself that we shouldn’t. Sometimes its hard to overcome complications in life and we sink into stress. Its easy if I say "think positive", "stay away from stress" but it can be difficult for many of us. We can plan for good but we only get the good when we are lucky enough.

Thanks For Reading
