The await continues....not sure how long

Greetings Hivean Family. Finally, the wait for wèekend is over and here it comes with preplanned schedule.
Wish to join this prompt then go ahead.

What I see:

A very saddened face. Quiet old eagerly waiting for someone.

What I feel :

A disappointed face expecting someone on one end, but aware of the fact the wait will still continue.

A story:

The picture depicts a railway station. A station master who is working there for past 15 years come across several peoples from various places, can never forget one face, the face that he is watching for the past 15 years.

This person by name Milan was working as a railway guard. A very happy go person who reports for duty on time and leaves for home when his schedule was over.

He worked hard and happily to meet the ends of his family, with his meagre salary. On one hand he worked hard to meet the educational expense of his son and daughter, then 12 and 15. And on the other, to meet the house expense and other miscellaneous expense.

With no complaints, no brooding, no hesitation, no laziness... he continued his journey as a railway guard with a much obliged smile.

Years rolled by, and his hardwork paid off, when his son and daughter excelled in their studies and finally, were placed in a high rank job. Though they were placed in high position, Milan never gave up his job.

Instead he found happiness and met his expense for himself and his wife from this income. Whenever, the children remained him of their status, he would proudly say "the status was the result of his present job".

It was time for the children to settle down, so they found a life partner. As days went by and the family grew, they decided to move for better prospects. With a heavy heart, the father bid them goodbye by promising them to make a visit, once in three months.

This continued for few years. Gradually their visits reduced to yearly once, then two year one and now once a while. And the regular calls also reduced.

Milan, now retired, kept waiting for the arrival of his children and grand children. So every morning, he makes it a point to come and sit in one of the platform chair, waiting for their arrival and returns back disappointed, in the evening. The await continues....

Hope you enjoyed my story. To speak the truth, this is common in most house hold.

Weekend is here. So what's up??? Enjoy friends as life is short.

Thank you for your time and visit.

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