A Picture is worth a thousand words: Hire cycles @low rate


The photo was taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

Here is a wonderful prompt. If you need to be a part of this contest, click this link

What I see:
Looks like a cycle shed, where cycles are kept in a row including standing cycles, standing scooters etc. They are kept in a single line to view easily by the locals. Also,a sign board showing the website of an online market is placed theirin.

What I feel :
Probably, to lend cycles on rent for the needy. And the sign board of the online market for cycles, is placed to get publicity for the online market, who comes to take cycles on rent. Its a nice way to get publicity which simultaneously increases sales through online.

A relatable story:
A small town where the working inhabitants were more than expected, which simultaneously increased the traffic during rush hours, resulting in people not reaching their destination on time.

It mostly affected the school children who reached the school late, missing the first hour class. This became a regular practice for most ofthe students pursuing their higher studies. Interesting fact was, though the school was nearby, the chuldren were regularly late to school. So the Principal/Head of the schools of that particular town, decided to meet the Muncipality head to bring a final solution, as innumerable children were facing this consequences.

The Municipal Chairman, Head of the Traffic department and the concerned school authorities of that particular town convened a meeting. They came to the conclusion that, at some points where the students are more, a Cycle for rent, would prove to be an assistance for these children.

After regular discussions by the authorites and after a period of three months, the suggested cycle sheds with lot of standing cycles and standing scooters came into existence, that too with a nominal rent, exclusively for the school children.

Furthermore, the schools decided to work on two shifts. Firstly, to avoid rush hours and secondly.for the safety of the children. This incredibly amounted to an excellent result among the student community, both academically and in punctuality.

Henceforth, the children started to reach school, on time. Meanwhile, the cycle rental business boomed not only among students but also other locals residing nearby, giving online markets a new hope.

So, here was how the problem of students were resolved.
Thankyou for your valuable time.

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