Mariannewest's daily prompt: trust the duck

hii everyone
How are you all
Have a wonderful day ahead

The pond in the middle of the forest became Ducky`s playground ... Ducky positioned himself as the most honest and loyal duck of the duck family. One day, frogs came to him; and, they told him that their lily pads, which they treasure, should be protected by him.

"Chuck! I promised... but the urge to check became irresistible, and I ended up there myself, on those silly-looking pads!", Ducky cried out. When it was dusk, frogs started to return. Behold, they found Ducky stretched out in the sun. He had even conserved the lilies although thechemical he added had the potential to destroy them. From now on, the people he exchanged bike trip route with him any more and he got the reputation "Ducky, Guardian of Trust."

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