Mariannewest's daily prompt : the 11 dimension


the 11th dimension, concepts like time and space hold no meaning. The animals here gather in the field of converging worlds. Lions and kraken rested by the sides of space whales, conversing on their experience of the shamanic hunt. The birds of all colors were singing loudly, above our heads, making the cosmic orchestra as if to drown us in music. Bears bound with nimble-footed unicorns in an elegant celestial waltz, while stately dragons talked to the turtles about the subtlest secrets of the Universe. In this ethereal carpet which we call the galaxy, all life forms existed together in tune with the vibration of awe, unified by a common song. And the universe thereafter continued to blossom and evolve, each side of the 11th dimension thumping with the beat of life and the playing field destined for creatures from every corner of the cosmos.

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