Coffee, Tea or Chocolate? 5-minute freewrite Day 1318 prompt: herbal tea


When I was pregnant back in the 1980s, I was told to completely avoid caffeine while I was pregnant. No black tea, no coffee, no chocolate. So I switched to herbal tea only. I had been drinking it before, but not exclusively. I found many tasty varieties, and survived quite nicely without any black tea. But the no chocolate rule was a challenge. I really like chocolate! I dutifully went without it for nine months. When the second pregnancy came along, I informed my womb's occupant that there would be chocolate, and it better not mind. Now the experts tell pregnant women it's okay to have dark chocolate, and it's okay to drink a little coffee or black tea. It makes me wonder why we ever listen to the current experts. A few years from now, they will have changed their minds about whatever it is we now think is the gospel truth. Remember when margarine was said to be better than butter? And Crisco was said to be better than lard? And corn oil was the very best thing around? Then olive oil was the best, but now some say coconut oil is better.
I should go brew a cup of English breakfast tea and think about this.

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