5-minute freewrite day 1269 prompt: brain fart

The first time I recall hearing the expression 'brain fart' was in the 1990s. At the time, I was mildly shocked, but soon got over that and realized what an apt phrase it was. The older I get, the more brain farts I have. They say we never use up all the space in our brains and everything is stored in there somewhere, but I guess the problem is trying to locate where it's all stored. I think the important stuff leaks out of my brain, while the insignificant details remain. I can remember the combination to our family's post office box from the 1960s, but last week I lost my spring jacket for three days. It turned up in plain sight on a hook downstairs. Brain fart! Friday I neglected to use my kitchen tool for holding an onion while slicing it, and I sliced my finger, too. Brain fart! {If you want the gory details, you can find them here.} But the worst and most embarrassing brain fart is when I encounter my oldest daughter in a public place and don't recognize her right away, even if I was expecting her to be there. She changes her hair color and/or style from time to time, which doesn't help any. I was discussing this with my husband, who has experienced the same brain lapse. He thinks it's because we don't see her every day, sometimes only once or twice a month, and part of our brains are still looking for that little girl with pigtails and a missing tooth.


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If you've never done a freewrite before, you can learn all about it here.Thanks to @mariannewest for faithfully providing the prompts!

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