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Can Blockchain Solve the problem 'starve to death'


Starving is one of the major issues in the world but this topic is highly neglected nowadays .The reason of neglecting might be recent pandemic of covid as the whole world is focused to get rid off that problem.
We are living in the 21st century, celebrities started visiting space, weapons are upgraded to high mortality rate , Blockchain is creating its name in the world history but...

We almost everyday read and listen the news through print media or digital media about poverty and death due to starve but most of us do not bother and take it as normal .

The advancement of the science and technology will be suited well if there were no human loose their life because of hunger but unfortunately its happening .
There are many charity organisation from many years but still in the news we find every 7 people out of 10 dying because of hunger and malnutrition.Why these happening and how to improve the scenario ,Most of us has no much time to think about .

The pandemic worsened the situation as thousands lost their jobs ,economy went to recession .Those were willingly helping those hunger charity organisation also went bankrupted as lot of them failed their establishment and absolutely no revenue led them shut the business.

I am Indian and witnessed many cases here where starving was high in the numbers .People could not find the job because the country was locked down due to pandemic .Those were living below poverty line ,had to suffered more as they used to earn on daily basis .Some people dared to support their livelihood by selling food and other low budget items in the market but there was hardly people used to buy those as their spending power was already surrendered .

The situation of the starving was worst in some African and asian countries where country GDP was very low . The recent survey from top agency around the world average found that people died more in numbers than covid 19 and these records are totally denied by government around the world .

Why there is such a huge bridge in between rich and poor ? This is most important question should asked to ourselves And the solution will be found just in minute . yes, There will be no person will die because of starve and the solution is Blockchain technology .

Blockchain technology can implement those task which has hardly applied by centralised authority in the world . If we know how the blockchain can resolves the retained issues then death due to starve can be controlled.

  1. Power of Decentralised Social Media : As we know the issue is not a small and easy to solve ,it takes years to control through established system . As far as i know Facebook is widely used social site which can be used as medium to reach and aid the starved ridden region or individual but I would highly recommend something built on blockchain like Hive and other suitable blockchain sites which is quite popular and having huge user database . These blockchain can internally connect with people at the surrounding region where people can not find food to survive or victims of malnutrition . For example if Some one really need financially help to get food to survive then send HBD or Hive to respective area community leader who can provide those fund to needy people and straight feed them. These all activities will be recorded on blockchain so there will be no corruption or scam will be taking place.

  2. Master Database creation : All the countries has solid administration where every citizen has real track sheet or proof of identity for individual . For instance ; Indian has Government issued identification card called 'Adhar Card ' , Voter Card which can easily track the people financial status on the base of income what they earned and provide them basic aid to get recover from poverty . The Government can easily handled those activity on Blockchain where everything remain fair and transparent.

  3. Build Food wastage and utilisation blockchain site : As we know every day thousands tons of food went to wastage around the world either because no proper food delivery logistic system or they don't want to take risk by offering left over food to someone because the law and orders are varies from countries to countries where food can not offer someone without government permission .In India what i know , If there is charity running on food offering to needy ,always need granted authorisation from central government just to avoid false claim where people can sue the food offerer in case the food was expired to consume. So why not build a system on blockchain where food wastage and utilisation are recorded in detail in every region of the countries state .
    Blockchain has huge potential to resolve these issue which we have never completely end so far . People still dying because of starve is really sad and true incident and it must be eradicate on the basis of blockchain technology .
    We are playing game online worldwide , earning online , attending meeting and seminars online , working from home online then why not these issue can be finished . I think starve to death should not be happened anymore and should build a more upgraded system where these problems can be sort out so quickly and easily .

Nobody like seeing someone dying because of hunger in our society but still we not able to help because there are no proper system to work on .

Why not we think blockchain as best solution for all these problems which can directly lead to solve the issues as quickly as it can .

Hope the article was interesting and something to added value in the community . please share your thoughts through comment and engage with others about how to completely help those people. I welcome your likes which encourage the author to write something more interesting in the future articles.