Pic1000: My Imaginary Visit To A Video Travel Center


Image taken by @wakeupkitty

What do you see?

I see a video travel center and also a phone booth by the side.

What do you feel?

I feel happy seeing as information about traveling is made easy.


I have always wanted to travel to visit my aunt in Ibadan ever since she got married in 2021. It's been almost three years now and I keep procrastinating my journey and only contacting her via calls and messages.

The first time she had her first child, Darasimi( Dara for short), I couldn't visit her because I was ill at the time so I couldn't go with my parents. Now my aunt had her second child about two weeks ago and she assumed I wouldn't be visiting her but I had other plans.

Since my mom already knew her place from the first time she visited, I decided to go with her on this new journey she was about to embark on. We haven't told my aunt we will be coming around as we wanted it to be a surprise. The first time my mum went to visit my aunt, she travelled by bus so I decided we mix things up this time around and go by train.

Since it was my first time traveling by train, I needed all the information I could get. I imagined how I could find a video travel center like this where I could get the information and when I get there, I could go in and connect to one of the railway staff and he/she would give me all I needed to know, ranging from the price of my ticket, the time the train leaves the railway station, the estimated time of arrival from Lagos to Ibadan and many more.

There should also be a phone booth by the side for those who don't want to use the video booth where people could ask any question they want and all the details will be provided to them in full.

I must confess that having something like this in my country would be amazing. It would be wonderful to see the power and importance of technology. I believe it will help people seeking for information about something especially if it's their first time.

Nevertheless, I got all the information I needed online and now I am looking forward to my journey. I can't wait to see my aunt after three years and also see my cousins physically for the first time. I have no doubt I will enjoy my train experience and also get to discover new places.

Thank you all for reading.

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