Underground Paradise - Act 1 : The Lost Guide

This is a story for TTRPG games like dungeons and dragons. You may use this story as a stand alone adventure or you can use it to insert your existing campaign as a side quest adventure. Either way you and your player will have a wonderfull experience with this module.

I am selling this module in my etsy shop but i am sharing this story here for free. If you want to have this story module with not only all the chapters but with NPC profiles, Player Background hooks, Post-Adventure Hooks, Reward suggestions, Dungeon Master Tips, Music and soundeffect suggestion for each chapter, you can visit my etsy shop and purchase the story module there.

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This Module

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Lets start with the adventure.

Act 1 : The Lost Guide

Chapter 1 : The Stranger in the Forest

The setting is a dense, untamed forest with the sun casting a warm glow through the leaves and branches. The forest is a serene, yet enigmatic place - filled with hidden wonders and potential dangers. The chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves fills the air with a sense of calmness that sharply contrasts with the sudden appearance of a distressed man.


"As your party ventures deeper into the vibrant heart of the forest, the trees towering above you and sunlight filtering down in patches, a sudden disturbance catches your attention. A figure, ragged and worn, stumbles out from the dense foliage, looking lost and frightened."

NPC Introduction - Jorin:

Jorin, a man in his mid-thirties with a nervous demeanor, introduces himself as a local guide who had been captured by a treasure hunter named Kavara. His clothes, dirty and torn, bear the marks of a hasty escape. He conveys a palpable sense of fear and urgency as he explains his situation.

Encounter - Conversation with Jorin:

The goal of this encounter is not to start a battle, but to provide your players with information and establish the narrative of the quest. Jorin, the distressed guide, is willing to share all that he knows about Kavara and the supposed treasure hidden deep within the forest. This information should form the backbone of the quest that lies ahead for the party.

Roleplaying Tips:

Jorin is fearful, but also relieved to have found potential allies. He's desperate, yet hopeful. Remember to role-play his nervousness and relief in the conversation, with hints of his usual cheerful personality showing through.

Dialogue Options:

  • "I... I was taken by Kavara. He is a treasure hunter, obsessed with finding the lost riches of this forest."
  • "I managed to escape his camp late last night while he was distracted. But... but I'm sure he's looking for me."
  • "I know this forest well. I can help you navigate it...if you help me stay out of Kavara's clutches."

Ending of Chapter 1:

With Jorin's introduction and his explanation of Kavara's obsession with the forest treasure, the players now have a choice - to pursue the treasure or to protect Jorin. This will set the stage for the ensuing chapters, leading them deeper into the mystery of the forest.

Chapter 2: Encounter with Kavara's Men

The dense forest surrounds the party as they journey with Jorin, the sunlight growing dimmer with each passing hour. The serene beauty of the forest is soon to be disrupted by the arrival of unwelcome guests.


"Just as the sun dips beneath the horizon and the forest begins to fill with the eerie sounds of night, the sudden snap of a twig echoes through the stillness. Out from the veil of shadows emerge figures, their cruel grins illuminated by the flickering light of torches."

Encounter - Battle with Kavara's Men:

This encounter is designed as an early combat challenge for the party, and to show them the danger that Kavara poses. The enemies are Kavara's hired henchmen, who are relentless in their pursuit of Jorin.

Roleplaying Tips:

The henchmen should be portrayed as ruthless and persistent. They are well aware of the consequences of failure - incurring Kavara's wrath - and will stop at nothing to recapture Jorin.

Combat Strategies:

The henchmen primarily focus on trying to apprehend Jorin. They won't ignore the party, but their priority is clear. As such, their tactics involve subduing and capturing more than outright killing.

Ending of Chapter 2:

The party's encounter with Kavara's henchmen serves as a stark reminder of what they are up against. With Jorin in their care, they now have both a guide and a target on their backs. The urgency of their quest intensifies as they must not only find the treasure but also protect Jorin from Kavara's relentless pursuit.

Chapter 3: Shelter in the Cave


Having escaped Kavara's henchmen, the party finds themselves venturing deeper into the heart of the forest. As night falls, they come across a secluded cave that offers them shelter and a much-needed rest.


"As the final light of day gives way to the black canvas of night, you discover the mouth of a small, secluded cave nestled between a cluster of towering trees. It's hardly a five-star lodging, but it offers a much-needed respite from the dangers of the forest."

Roleplaying Tips:

Jorin is visibly shaken after the encounter with Kavara's men. He would appreciate any comfort the party can provide and will share more details about Kavara and the rumored treasure. Use this time for the party to bond, share stories, and discuss their plans.

DM Tips:

Allow the party to relax and let their guard down a little in this moment of respite. Use this opportunity to build the atmosphere and foreshadow the unexpected descent that is about to come.

Encounter - Cave Collapse:

While the party is resting, a sudden and unexpected collapse of the cave floor will plunge them deep into the heart of the forest - into an underground world they didn't even know existed.

Ending of Chapter 3:

This chapter ends with the party finding themselves in an unknown, yet strangely beautiful, underground world. Their adventure has taken a sudden and unexpected turn, as they find themselves in an environment unlike anything they've ever seen before.

Chapter 4: Descent into the Underworld


The party finds themselves plunged into an unknown underworld, surrounded by bioluminescent flora casting an ethereal glow upon the water of an underground lake. As they step out of the water onto the rocky shore, they are greeted with the sight of an extensive cave system, illuminated by the eerie blue light.


"Your descent ends with a splash into the cold water of an underground lake. You surface, taking in the ethereal scene around you. Bioluminescent flora illuminates the water and the cave walls in an ethereal blue light, revealing the mouth of a cave tunnel that stretches deep into the heart of the underground."

Roleplaying Tips:

There's plenty of awe to be experienced here. Encourage your players to react and explore this unfamiliar environment. Remember, they've just been dropped into an entirely new world.

DM Tips:

Utilize environmental challenges such as slippery rocks and cold water to test the party’s ability to adapt. Additionally, the lack of knowledge about this underground world can heighten the sense of mystery and suspense.

Encounter - Watcher of the Entrance:

As the party explores their immediate surroundings, they are met by the Watcher of the Entrance, a creature with tentacles, reminiscent of an octopus, that guards the entrance to the underworld.

DM tip for combat:

Use the surrounding environment in the combat scenario. Perhaps the Watcher uses the bioluminescent flora to its advantage, disappearing into clusters of them, or uses the water in offensive or defensive maneuvers.

Ending of Chapter 4:

With the Watcher of the Entrance defeated, the party will be free to delve deeper into the underworld. This chapter concludes with them heading into the unknown, following the trail of bioluminescent flora illuminating the path deeper into the cave system.

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