Water and Cup (fable)

Water and Cup

Water lived in a pure spring,
She was born in unknown place
And ran through the forest between trees,
Leaking in the end no one knows where.

Next to the spring stood Cup,
Unlike Water, she had a certain shape,
She was firm, steady and constant,
And demonstrated reliability and stability.

Free image from Pixabay

"You flow freely, - Cup said, -
But you never saw any boundaries,
That's why you don't know what freedom is.
It can only be known through limitations."

"This is some cheap Marxism, - said Water, -
When even lines contradict odd ones.
But I'm bored and ready to play your game.
What do I need to do? Slaughter my favorite cow?
Or maybe write a denunciation of my father?
But I don't have father or cow. I am Water, in case you forgot."

"Oh, there's no need to write denunciations
On the father or on the cow,
KGB will shoot them all without your help.
Our game is different,
You must be inside of me.
Water in Cup, understand?
So you will know limitations and therefore real freedom!"

Water ingenuously moved into Cup.
At that moment, a hand reached out from above,
Some huge creature lifted Cup into the clouds,
Drank all Water and put Cup in his pocket.

"But I'm thirsty too!" - rumbled somewhere in the sky.
"I don't think we'll fool her a second time, lieutenant.
Let's go shoot the cow, we have a lot of work today."

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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