Teacher and Butcher (fable)

Teacher and Butcher

In a distant village, in an unknown land,
There lived old Teacher, source of kindness.
He told the children all sorts of stories,
His heart shone brightly with wisdom.

And next door on the same street
Lived strong Butcher, his shop was also there.
He chopped meat with the proud air of a king,
Like he was doing the most important thing.

Free image from Pixabay

One day Teacher and Butcher met
And greeted each other kindly.
Butcher deftly threw an ax in his hand,
Teacher pointedly shook the textbook,
Then they gazed into each other's eyes
And silently dispersed in different directions.

And so it went on for many-many years,
Teacher and Butcher hated each other with a fierce hatred,
But they didn’t show it in any way
And always greeted each other when they met.
This is what smart people do, and whoever rushes at enemy,
Whoever tries to bite another person in the throat, is stupid.
Remember this, kids.
Always say hello.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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