Skier and Bodybuilder (fable)

Skier and Bodybuilder

In the mountains, on the ever-snowy slopes,
There lived Skier, flexible and dexterous.
He endured the cold for skiing
And among the snows he found the meaning of life.

On a warm meadow at the foot of the mountain
There lived Bodybuilder, big and strong.
He was proud of his steel muscles
And built his body like a skyscraper.

Free image from Pixabay

Sometime in the winter Skier and Bodybuilder
Met on a narrow icy path.
They would say hello and silently disperse,
But they were not like that, not like that men.

"Oh, Skier, - said Bodybuilder, - do you see,
How powerfully does my bronzed skin shine?"

"I do not argue, - said Skier, - you are strong,
Like a stone rock in the center of the world.
But can you keep your balance
If you ride down the mountain, as I do every day?"

"Don't make me laugh, - said Bodybuilder, - no one needs
Your snow and your ice, it's just frozen water.
Any child can ride down the ice slide,
There is not a drop of effort in such entertainment!"

This debate went on for several hours,
Everyone screamed louder, until avalanche came down
And buried Skier and Bodybuilder both.

"Which of them was right?" - descendants will ask in museum,
Looking at two bodies, frozen in one slab of ice.
I think, it was chess player, drinking whiskey at the bar
And watched through the window, as the avalanche covers
Some screaming men on a narrow path.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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