Bear and Bull (fable)

Bear and Bull

In the dense forest, among mosses and lichens,
Bear lived strong, proud and mighty.
He walked imperiously through the forest glades
And was known to all for his bravery.

In another forest lived restless Bull,
He was famous for his powerful strength and horns.
He rarely left his spacious pasture,
But he talked a lot about his victories.

Free image from Pixabay

Once fate brought two such different animals,
And Bull challenged Bear to a duel for glory.
Bull considered himself stronger than anyone
And waited for an instant victory.

But Bear smiled and said softly:
"Dear Bull, let's not quarrel, we are not enemies.
We don't need a duel, it's better to be friends,
There is so much beauty and wisdom in the world!"

Bull was surprised at the words of mighty Bear
And thought very deeply and for a long time.
He realized that true strength is in friendship,
And true happiness is not in victory, but in wisdom.

This way Bear and Bull became friends,
And in honor of their friendship they organized banquet,
To which all the animals were invited
From all nearest forests, and from distant ones too.

If Bull was smarter, he would immediately begin to doubt,
But he was famous only for strength and endurance,
And strategic planning was not his forte,
So you can finish this fable yourself,
According to your aesthetic and philosophical preferences,
But it's important not to lose sight of the fact,
That the meat at the banquet was only beef.
(But there was a lot, enough even for starlings and hares).

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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