Sunday Sea Shanty - To See A Mermaid

Photo : sergeitokmakov, Pixabay.

Oh, how I love to sail on the open sea
And see the lovely mermaids play
Their tails are waving in the breeze
And they look so happy and free

I can't help but feel a twinge of envy
For they have all the luck
But I'll just have to content myself
With watching them from afar

Since I can't have them for myself
At least I can enjoy their beauty
And dream of what it might be like
To be able to swim with them
And feel the cool salt water on my skin
For that's what I'll always long for
A chance encounter with a mermaid

Oh, sailing on the open sea
Is an adventure that I'll never forget
And I hope to see the mermaids again
In my dreams or maybe even in reality
For who knows, maybe one day
I'll find my way to join their happy little band.

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