True love by the well

image by @wakeupkitty

I spent each day at the well
Meditating on the escapades
Ikosi well where I met my love
Waiting patiently for his arrival
At our favorite spot

I can recall vividly
How it all started
2 years ago, still at this spot
Then it was still functional
The well I mean

I had struggled within my might
To draw out water
Using my earthen water jar
But then I couldn't get it out

Oh nooooo, my jar isn't gonna break, is it?
But then, I saw
My prince charming from a distance

Our feelings interlocked at first instance
Should I say it was love at first sight?
He came to my rescue
Pulling out the jar from beneath the well

How else would I say I'm grateful
If not by saying a yes to him.
Until date, we still profess our love to each other

Right here, on this spot
Although it's been outdated
Our love is rekindled at the well's side
As it was our only witness when we sealed our love affair

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