An adventurous risk

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A risktaker
That I've been all my life
Never giving up
Even at the verge of death

Never letting opportunities slide by
With each surge,
A new step is taken
Wading through the storms of life

This day begins with another risk
A death or life deal
An adventure of no chances
A risk worth taking

With a reward of 6 billion
I will head to deadliest mountain
As I cycle up the Annapurna mountain
Situated in Himilayas
I hope that the deadly factors keep calm

No sudden unpredictable weather change
No Steep terrain
May the frequent rockfalls stand still
May nature sooth me

As I take this risk
I hope it pays off well
In mind's eye
I myself pulling stunts on the mountain top
"Risk with style and valour"
That's what it's being called

Anticipate my return soonest
Ive never failed on any risk
And wouldn't on this one either

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